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Google Account Search Beta

File:Googleaccountsearch en.png


This is an enhanced version of Google Calendar Search. Enhancements include search in Contacts, multiple accounts and partial search in Calendar. This program searches directly in your Google or Google Apps Calendars and Contacts for the given search terms. Of course this program only makes sense, if one syncs his/her Palm Pre or Pixi calendar/contacts with a Google Account.


This program was written because of the following reasons:

  • at the moment, webOS can not search in the calendar
  • searching Google Calendar in desktop browsers does not work well with many results and can not do partial search
  • in the Palm browser, one is always being directed to the mobile version of Google Calendar, where search is not available at all
  • webOS Universal Search only searches in name and company fields of contacts

Basic Usage

Just choose your search direction, put in some search terms and press enter or the magnifier button. You can recall the last search terms with the history button on the left.

Main screen

The Main screen has 3 parts.

Search controls


Enter the search terms in this text field. Tap the magnifier button or press the enter key on the keyboard to start a search.

History button

The history button at the upper left lets you chose from your previous search terms.

Magnifier button

The magnifier button or the enter key on the keyboard start the search.

Calendar search options


Here you can chose in which direction the calendar should be search:

  • Backward from now
  • Forward from now
  • Both directions (range depending on settings in Preferences)

Partial saerch

Google can only search for whole words in the calendar. If you want to search for parts of words (aka substring search), then enable this option. But this means, that the program will have to retrieve all your calendar events from Google (within the configured limits) and then do the partial search by itself. Because of the vast amount of data, this kind of search is slow.

Search options

Preferences & Accounts

Account definition

Account options


The Google logins and passwords will be saved unencrypted in a database. Encryption would not make sense without a master password. If you lose your Palm, a webOS expert could find out the saved password.




  • 0.1.1