Googleaccountsearch/english: Difference between revisions

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The Google logins and passwords will be saved unencrypted in a database. Encryption would not make sense without a master password. If you lose your Palm, a webOS expert could find out the saved passwords.
The Google logins and passwords will be saved unencrypted in a database. Encryption would not make sense without a master password. If you lose your Palm, a webOS expert could find out the saved passwords.
==Advanced search==
For calendar partial searches and for contact partial/non-partial searches, you can use RegExp (Regular Expressions) as search string. The RegExp will be applied to each field individually, so cross-fields search does not work. Examples (use without the quotes):
* search for words starting with "ab" and ending with "en": "ab.*en"
* search for the words "brunch" OR "pizza": "brunch|pizza"
* search for the words "date" AND "Tim": "(date.*Tim)|(Tim.*date)
For non-partial searches, word boundary is always enabled.

